Saturday, 5 December 2015

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Day 1- Thursday 6th August 2015, Flight and Hotel.

In the last 30 hours I have had a 30 minute nap. I have just taken a ibuprofen to get rid of the tired headache I had, it is working.

I am sharing a room with another woman who seems lovely. We have organised our bags for the hike tomorrow. I am really excited and a little nervous about starting the trek and the challenge ahead of us. I really hope that the altitude does not effect me, as I managed to avoid it when climbing Mt. Kenya.

Everyone in the group seems really lovely and we are all getting on so well.

The flights went very smoothly. It was nice being back in Nairobi airport again, it brought back many memories of 2009. The flight from Nairobi to Kilimanjaro airport was AMAZING! as we got closer to the airport you could see Kilimanjaro above the clouds. The extent of the challenge really has hit home, I cannot wait to get started.

It is currently 3:30 and dinner is at 6. I am not really sure what to do for the next few hours, I am sure that I will be going to bed nice and early tonight.

I may add more later but for now I am going to go for a wonder around the hotel.


(N.B. I never did go back and add to the diary entry for this day. Before dinner I sat outside with a few of the other team members and enjoyed the African sun, while trying to not fall asleep. We also, had a group chat about why everyone had decided to do the trip and the reasons they had chosen their particular charities. It was really lovely hearing everyone's personal stories, it made everyone more motivated to reach the top. We had dinner and everyone swiftly disappeared to bed.)

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