Monday, 1 February 2016

Climbing Mount Kilimanjaro. Day 5- Monday 10th August 2015, 3940m, Barranco Hut

3940 meters above sea level- Barranco Hut

Today was a long but very enjoyable day. We went up to the Lava tower which was 4550m, the highest point we will go before summit night.

The morning began as usual 6 am tea, 6:30 wash and 7 breakfast. We left camp at 8:15. The day was a gradual ascent which took 5 hours 45 minutes. Breathing and drinking at the same time was a struggle, as the air is getting thinner, but I feel really well which is good. A few people were feeling poorly today and one of the ladies was sick, the Doctor gave her some altitude medicine which seemed to help.

The trek took us over Lava Ridge it was a stunning view of the lava field and of Kilimanjaro. We reached Lava Tower for lunch at around 2pm. Lunch today was noodles and veg. I topped up my water and we left at 2:30.

The trek down to camp was a lot quicker. It took 1 hour 45 minutes. You could feel the air getting thicker as you went down which was lovely. Although the weather on the way down was very foggy so when we reached camp we could not see any of the surrounding views.

We have just had dinner and seen the Barranco Wall which looks terrifying! We have been told by our mountain guide that it looks worse than it is. We shall have to wait and see.

Super tired tonight, so I am off to brush my teeth and then to sleep.
Night. x

P.s. Just went out to brush my teeth and saw two shooting stars it was beautiful!

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